Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Lost: I Think I Was Right!

This is Smokey!!!!!

Anyway, I didn't update on Lost last week because I watched the last two eppys together.

So, I'll briefly comment of both. Briefly, because I'm really tired, not because I have nothing to say.


Remember how I've been complaining of Sawyer starvation and how I was about to die? Well, episode 8 saved me. YAY!!!
We got to see LOTS of Sawyer. Happy Sawyer, romantic Sawyer, serious Sawyer, shirtless Sawyer, sad Sawyer, shirtless Sawyer, funny Sawyer and shirtless Sawyer.
It was a great episode where Sawyer was a cop in this parallel life!! Yes, a cop. Who would believe it? His partner is Miles.

Not-Locke (a.k.a Smokey) sends Sawyer on a mission, and Sawyer "runs" into Whitmore. Then, we realize that Sawyer trusts Smokey more than Whitmore!! I don't know, but if I could talk to him, I'd say something. I just don't want him to die. But part of me wants him to be on Smokey's side, because that way nothing will happen to him.
Anyway, so Sawyer and Kate reunite again, and I think I can still hope for those two to get together. It was so easy to read their silly faces. . .

Last comment about the eppy is. . . HOW WEIRD IS THAT ANIMAL HEAD INSIDE THE CRIB?
SOOOOOO weird. Beyond weird.
Poor Claire, she belongs in the funny farm now. First, she tries to kill Kate, then she hugs her.... Who gets that girl? I don't.

Let's move on to Episode 9 (I'm terrible at this!!)


I'd call this episode, "Truths Revealed"
It was so eye-opening.
Many of the questions we had were answered here, but only partially.
We think we know, but we really don't.
The one thing I'm sure of is that Smokey is the devil. Just as I predicted a couple of blog posts ago.

Oh and the girl with the big lips? We don't have to call her names anymore! because we learned that her name is Alana.

Or Balana

Something Anna-ish.

*yawns and zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz*

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